Dear Mother,
We got our first weekend pass last weekend and Bud Peterson, Eric, Gene, and I had a pretty good time. People out here are very nice to us, especially we cadets rate I guess.
An elderly couple took Bud and I for a sightseeing tour through Balboa Beach. Dad would love to see the big boats tied up in the harbor-they are really beautiful Mother. The man told us that some of the boats cost as much as $200,000. Of course they were the big seagoing yachts. I know Dad would love to live out here amongst the boats and the sea. Bud and I had a swell time swimming in the ocean-as you can see we didn’t have such an exciting weekend but, we did have a grand time seeing all the new sights. Gosh-I wish Dad, you, Jocie and Thelma would come out here and then I really would have a good time.
Our school classes are getting much harder day by day but, I am still holding my own with the best of them. We started the new course in physics now. I never had it in high school but Bud, he’s had two years of college engineering said he’d help me when I needed it. The fellows are so nice out here-you can’t beat them Mother. The average run of them are college men but your son can carry on with any one of them-especially in code.
My tests marks averaged together gave me 99%-the second highest in my whole section. They’reĀ still washing kids out for physical defects. The flight surgeons watch each one of us daily, at physical drill especially. The rumor around here is-we are going to primary flight school but, I don’t believe we are ready for it yet. I have to cut it short Mother so goodbye and every minute I have I’ll try to write.
Love Jim