Hello Jocie-how are you darling? Your big brother certainly misses his little sister-don’t forget me will you?
Your letter arrived today-gosh! I love to read them-mom and dad tell me all the latest news.
Gosh! Dad, I hope you get your B ration book. I am happy for mother though-maybe she will see more of you now, and, it really isn’t any worse for you than anyone else. Your customers still need hats so they will probably have them mailed.
I have about 16 hours in the B.T. now. That gives given me quite a few all totaled. My knee has been bothering me a little lately-probably due to the change in weather. Winter is setting in now. The flight surgeon gave me some shortwave treatments, it’s the newest thing out. It costs $6.50 for 10 minutes. I get 14 treatments from Uncle Sam for nothing. We cadets are treated in the officers hospital. They seem to think we will be officers someday. If I don’t catch on to the instrument flying a little faster I have no hope for the bars. I have never had so much thrown at me before. Besides instrument flying-we must do night flying, navigation, meteorology-oh gosh! If I ever get through I will know I have something even better than a college education. Of course that’s if I make it. We are starting night landings now. The field is lit up with small side lights. Won’t that be something if Jago misses the field.
Did you know your son is the youngest cadet at Chico Field? If I get wings-I will still be only 19. It doesn’t seem so near though-I’m just hoping and praying.
Well darlings, take care of yourselves-we have school classes in a few minutes-
Your loving son,