Dad’s Christmas present arrived today. Thanks a million dad. That’s about the only thing I needed. You should’ve seen the boys when I opened that package. Bob Thomas is going to try to get one like it in town. It certainly is a wonderful present dad. Gosh! I’m the luckiest guy on earth. My mother, dad, and little sis certainly were kind to Jimmy this Christmas.
What do you think-we flew today-I flew three straight periods without stopping. Boy, did I ever enjoy a cigarette after that. I have a total of 58 hours even now. 12 hours to go. I thought we were behind in our time but I have a letter from Ralph Fleming today and he says they have only 47 hours at Lemoore Field. They haven’t any night flying time, formation flying or even beam flying so I think we are okay after all.
It seems kind of funny that Jim Jago will go to Advanced training in a few days. Nine long months of work and worry nearly completed-I hope!
I’ll bet the little Christmas tree looks so cute in the corner, packages piled by. Gosh! I certainly will miss the swell times we had together. Tonight will be Christmas Eve. We are scheduled to fly but I don’t care. Many of my friends who washed would give their left arm to get the chance to fly again for Uncle Sam.
I will be praying for my loved ones at home. I hope you have the best Christmas yet.
your loving son,
Thanks again Dad, Mom, and Jocie.
P.S. Thelm sent me some beautiful gloves and a great big box of goodies-I’m a lucky boy.