The air thermals throw you around like a toy rubber ball.


Dear Mother, Dad and Jocie,

Hello darlings-your son is reporting again-

My weekend wasn’t very exciting as you know, but, I saved money so I don’t feel so badly. Happy to hear you like your wings, darling, I was hoping you would.

The weather out here has been bad for flying lately. The air thermals throw you around like a toy rubber ball. Gosh! It’s a funny feeling when the plane bobs up and down like a fishing cork. I hope it clears up because it makes it very hard to land. These ships are so hard to land without bad weather. My new instructor is really swell. He makes you feel so at home up there. We have been shooting 180° approach landings lately. The object is to hit a designated spot on the field after cutting the gun at 1000 feet. It’s quite a job I’ll tell you-the normal approach is comparatively easy when we have to land from twice the usual altitude-that’s where judgment comes in. My instructor said I did a pretty good job so I feel pretty good.

Well, darlings-taps will sound soon so I must cut it short.

Write soon-

Your loving son and brother,
