the bars really talk



I have only two hours and 20 minutes of basic flying left. Gosh! It doesn’t seem possible the Jim Jago has gone as far he has. Just think-in a week I will most likely be stationed at an Advanced school-probably Luke field, Arizona. The best single-engine school in the United States.

I certainly hope I can make it all the way now. I really would be disappointed if I washed now but, I’m really going to fight for those wings now.

If I am commissioned and receive those coveted silver wings I will always have a feeling that I have amounted to something-that I have given my lovely family something to be proud of.

Enough of that stuff-gosh! I’m talking like I have them already.

We flew two hours last night and three hours and 40 minutes today. Our squadron is far ahead of the other squadrons as far as time goes. Our captain is a wonderful man. He’s very strict-you can’t monkey around with him but, he’s so just-you just have to work your hardest for him. It seems funny to see a man just 24 years old ordering men nearly twice his age around. Our captain is only 24-you can see how rapid the promotions in the Air Corps move. The enlisted men hate to take orders from younger men but, the bars really talk. The mechanics always answer “Yes sir!!” even to me.

Boy! Does that make me feel big.

Well darlings, that’s all for now.

Your loving son,


Just received your cookies. Thanks a million mom, are they ever good.