Couldn’t find time to write yesterday-we had Link trainer all night. I wish they would give us our nights at least. Your letters are swell darlings. I wish I had more time, then I could really answer them.
Have a told you that I have Uncle Sam take $6.25 from each monthly paycheck for war bonds? I think that’s the best way to save.
Say, Mom, I don’t know what you see wrong with Thelm. Don’t worry Mom-I have seen plenty of gals out here. They were from wealthy families too-they still don’t attract my attention. I have been away from home a little better than a half year. I have seen so many different types of people. I hope you don’t think I have been just sitting in camp-not seeing anything. Mom-Thelm is really a peach of a gal. She writes every day-most girls would have forgotten long ago. She thinks the world of you, Dad, and Jocie. All I have heard lately is how nice you have been to her.
I really miss her mom. I sometimes wonder why she likes me but, maybe I have a little something on the ball-I don’t know.
Say, darlings, my little radio needs a new battery. I have tried to order one but, they can’t get it out here. EverReady # 467 67 1/2 V mini-Max.
Well, darlings, I just received a letter from Eric-he’s feeling pretty badly about things. He said you were so nice to him. He certainly has had some tough breaks the poor guy.
Your loving son,