Dear Jocie,
Hello Jocie-how are you darling-just fine I hope. I am so sorry I haven’t had time to send many pictures home-but you will have to realize how busy I am out here. I have your picture, along with mother’s and dad’s in my billfold. I think of you a lot Jocie. I bet that when I see you again you’ll be quite a young lady. All of my boy friends wish you were a few years older so they could have a chance. They really are swell bunch of fellows.
I wish you, Thelma, mother, and dad could come up here to see me-but, that’s out of the question I guess.
You should see the funny haircuts everyone has out here. They call them the west point haircut. They shave your head way up on the sides and cut the hair short on top-you’d laugh yourself sick if you saw me.
We had another gas mask and drill yesterday. Gosh! They are really tough. We have to march an hour at a time without taking them off. At the end of an hour it feels pretty darn good to fill your lungs with fresh air. We have to put on our gas masks in three seconds flat. Boy, that’s really moving isn’t it.
We have just about finished all of our classes now so I think we will be moving off for primary training pretty soon. Gosh! I hope I can fly an airplane. You know, some fellows just can’t fly at all-if I washout I know you’ll still think I’m a pretty good brother (I hope). I really miss you Jocie-I didn’t realize how much you meant to me until I left home. I am so lucky-I have a swell girlfriend, lovely parents and the nicest little sister anyone could want. Well Jocie I am running out of paper so please write to me darling. Your big brother will really appreciate a letter from his sister.
Loads of love,
P.S. Work hard in school darling. Make mother and dad proud of you. I’m trying to make good for them! We are so lucky that we have such nice parents.