Jim Jago, accident report


Accident nature: Collision in full flight with mountain.

Specific nature: undetermined

Underlying nature: undetermined

Cause group: undetermined

Specific cause: No information available

Underlying cause: undetermined

Description of accident:

2nd Lt. James A. Jago was flying in a string formation in position number two on April 8, 1943. He was at approximately 9000 feet following the flight leader at two hundred yards flying over a broken cloud layer which rested at 5000 feet. The flight leader did not see Lt. Jago leave the formation.

The cause of this accident is unknown. A possible cause for the accident could have been the failure of the pilot to change the gas tank selector. Lt. Jago was in the air approximately 45 minutes which would have been just enough time to run one tank dry. If this happened he would have dropped altitude very fast and might have entered a cloud at a lower level, thus, not realizing his position as to the ground level until it was too late. The altitude between the point Lt. Jago crashed and the cloud base was approximately 1800 feet to 2000 feet. It is further possible that Lt. Jago recovered satisfactorily beneath the clouds; then attempted a turn in the canyon. The canyon was quite narrow and he may have crashed into the side while attempting to complete the turn.

The responsibility for the accident is undetermined.

There are no recommendations.

F.L. Nims

Captain, Air Corps

Aircraft Accident Officer

Jim Jago accident Report 430408-4