Your son certainly has fluffed off on his letter writing hasn’t he. I will try to do better darlings but, they really are flying us now since all the older boys have gone.
I had a wonderful day yesterday. We took a short cross country to Chico yesterday. Boy! You should’ve seen Antonucci’s face. He was so happy to see one of his students flying a plane he wished he could fly. I had him sit in my plane-gosh! It certainly seemed weird to have Antonucci asking Jago questions. I also let a poor cadet climb in the cockpit-he was thrilled to pieces the poor kid. “Gosh! Sir, do you ever think I could fly one of these ships?”
I knew how much I wished I could’ve sat in the cockpit of the fast pursuit ship when I was a cadet.
Poor old Antonucci certainly was thrilled-when I took off, I was told later on by one of the boys who waited to get refueled that he shouted to all the instructors “There is one of my students!”
Say, Mom, have you received that 20 spot I sent by mail. It worries me a bit when I send cash.
Well, darlings, must go to bed now. Remember Mom-take in those shows every week now-you deserve it if anyone does.
Your loving son,