The P-39 is wonderful!!


Say, Mom, will you please send my cable set-we don’t get enough exercise as an officer-we need to-it helps our flying when we are in good shape.



Your letter was swell Mom-now you are talking darling-get out once in a while. I never did see why you stayed home. I just wish I were home so I could help. You have always given and never taken. I’m so glad you are finally wising up that you are still a young lady. Mrs. Peterson is much plainer and older than you but, still she spends the Papa’s dough. Go ahead Mom-now that you haven’t your main worry (me) back home you should take advantage of it. Now we come to that home question. Why! For gosh sakes do you want to throw more money into that house. Why not get a new one. You know our neighborhood is going to pot. It would be nice for Jocie to move to another neighborhood because you know for yourself but some of her friends (Gail) aren’t the kind I want my sister to double date with later on. The Blackten’s haven’t a pot to _____ in but, they live in a nice house in a good neighborhood. Gosh! I certainly am lecturing aren’t I-please forgive me Mom but, you really are too darn conservative.

Well, darlings, your fighter pilot son thinks of his lovely family often-




The P-39 is wonderful!!