Hello Darling,
Your lovely letters are welcome as ever.
I had a nice surprise yesterday. Tommy Enright came to see me. He stayed all afternoon. He has six days leave. He is going to the office to see Dad he says.
Tom is still the same nice kid, his face is burned to a very ruddy hue, and he looks heavier, but he said he has lost weight. His hair is beginning to recede, much to his alarm. I could see such was the case, but I didn’t say so. He has also won his first lieutenancy. He sent you a message, I quote: “Why don’t you write? You big bum!!” He said he would have given much to see you. He helped himself to some of your “snaps” and tucked them away carefully in his billfold.
He was astonished to see Jocie – still being a good son of old Erin, he said she has grown to be very pretty. I told him his Irish ancestry will always stand him in good stead – he knows what to say to make the ladies love him!! He also said to tell you he met your old St T. English teacher down town, I think he said “Conners” was the name. He is a sergeant stationed at Fort Snelling. Tom said “I really felt embarrassed when he saluted me!”
Dear old Dad came home last night, tired out to find our happy home still in wild confusion. Our paper hanger will be here on Saturday morn, also Sunday. Dad misses his own bed. Our room will be nice when finished, I have chosen a lovely paper.
We are going to the Ice Follies to night. Jocie is struggling to get her home work done.
I can’t get help anywhere – there just isn’t any! Betty offered to come here on Sun. I think I’ll ask Mrs. D if she will work one Sunday. Right now I am at a stand still I can’t do anything. Tomorrow our rugs go to the cleaners!
No news old honey – Dad will add a few lines. On Sunday my baby will be 20 years old. I’ll never forget my introduction to my little son. Dr. Mayland holding you up for me to see and saying you were the youngest man in Mpls. He called me “mother” and said “How does that sound?” You looked at me with wide, dark eyes as if you knew what it was all about! I thought you were beautiful and I haven’t changed my opinion. I hope you have a happy day darling. I love you very much.
Your affectionate Mom Eleen.