This week my instructor is going to teach me aerobatics-hot dog!


Dear Mother, Dad and Jocie,

We just finished our weekly barracks inspection-I didn’t get a gig-that’s very unusual here. Some of my friends got as many as 19 gigs. When Horace (that’s our post commander) came in our room-the first thing he did was wipe his fingers on the floor. Luckily we had scrubbed the floor and then waxed it. All windows must be bon-amied.  Every little corner free from dust. Lockers open with everything displayed just so.  It takes us the entire night, previous to the inspection, to fix up.

We haven’t had much time lately to ourselves that’s why my letters stopped for a while. We have about two weeks left if everything progresses as usual. I am never too sure about anything.

I’ll bet Minneapolis looks swell now. I always did like this time of year back home. The weather hasn’t changed much here. Still hot, but we expect rain anytime.

We have changed our uniforms now. Instead of wearing our cotton sun tans we changed to the wool olive drab. The material is very good as compared with the enlisted men’s. I heard that Santa Ana is giving the enlisted uniform now  because, the cadets won’t get commissions anymore. Remember when I was scared to death about that warrant officer deal? I’m glad I enlisted when I did.

Well, darlings, take care of yourselves and don’t worry about me. This week my instructor is going to teach me aerobatics-hot dog!

