Your little man had a busy day today. We got up at 6:00-down to the flightline at 7:00-I flew two hours in the morning then went over to the flight surgeon for three shots-tetanus-cholera and typhus. Boy-I was feeling woozy then but, that wasn’t all-I had an appointment with the dentist for 1:30. Gosh! The dentist did a good job though. He took two of my old fillings out and filled a new little one. I haven’t been to a dentist for a year now so that isn’t bad at all. I certainly feel punk now. Think I will go to bed when I finish this letter.
Yes, mom, I think you have a wonderful idea for Jocie’s future. Sometimes wish I were a girl so I wouldn’t be fighting this darn war. It screws up my education that’s for sure. But, at least, I have made something of myself. I have a commission and I can fly the fastest plane in the world. That’s something anyway.
Well, darlings, your son is a bit weary so I think I will sign off.
P.S. I am enclosing this 20 spot Mom, it’s all I can let go of now but, I will send the remaining later.
I really should send a money order but, I haven’t time.